
Elina Brotherus | “A New Sense of Order” | Festival Off PhotoEspaña | 5 June – 27 July 2019

After her recent “Règle du jeu” solo exhibition at the Centre Pompidou and her exhibition at the Official Section of PhotoEspaña ‘19 curated by Susan Bright, we present our second project of Elina Brotherus at the gallery. Likely the most prominent European mid-career photographer today, Elina presents a retrospective look into her career started at the dawn of the 21st century.

Her early work dealt with personal yet universal experiences, the presence and absence of love. In her series “The New Painting” (2000-05), Elina probed the relation of photography to art history and found inspiration in the iconography of classical painting. In “Model Studies” (2002-08) and “Artist and her model” (2005-2011), she continued to explore the human figure within a landscape, and the gaze of an artist on his/her model. In her recent work “12 ans après” (2011-2012) and “Annonciation” (2009-2013) Elina returns to the autobiographical approach, although more distanced than in her youth. In her last works, like “Règle du jeu” (2016-17), “The Baldessari assignments” (2016) and “Meaningless works” (2016-), she uses strategies as appropriation and humor with amazing and illuminating results, taking as references the “event scores” -instructions written for performances- by the Fluxus artists of the 60s.

Working with photography and video, Elina Brotherus is “a woman with a mission”: empowering women -as they deserve- both in the history of art and in our present society.

In order to receive the press kit (press release and images) please contact us on (+34) 91 429 17 34 or email info@camaraoscura.net