
Roger Ballen

Roger Ballen (NYC, USA, 1950) is deemed to be one of the most essential photographers of the 21st century. His work has been exhibited worldwide and is being collected by institutions like MOMA, Tate Britain, Centre Pompidou, Maison Européene de la Photographie, and Musée de la Photographie à Charleroi. Son of a photograph editor at Magnum, Roger has worked as a geologist and mine consultant before launching his own photographic career, documenting small towns in rural Africa and their isolated inhabitants. Their images are, at the same time, powerful social allegations and disturbing psychological studies. His recognizable photographic style has evolved using simply a square format and a black and white color scheme, to colour and collaborative projects with other artists. His first works have a clear influence of documental photography, but during the 90’s, he developed a style that he described as “documentary fiction”.

“Roger Ballen in Color” presents, after shooting exclusively in B&W for over fifty years, color images from this important and original photographer. The photographs were all created since 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa, in an environment that best can be described as “Ballenesque”. His drawings were created during the lockdown of the COVID-19.

Also, Roger had a long-lasting relationship with Polaroids. However, he never dared draw on them before. These artworks are brand-new and they were started in 2023. It can be seen as an application on a new medium of the luscious and risqués drawings mentioned before. Camara Oscura was the first art gallery that ever exhibited these drawings worldwide, making them become a fundamental part of Roger Ballen’s oeuvre.

Roger was selected to exhibit at the South African Pavilion of the 59th Venice Biennale in 2022.

Polaroids with Drawings


Roger Ballen in Color

Die Antwoord

The Theater of Apparitions

Asylum of the Birds

I Fink U Freeky

Boarding House

Shadow Chamber





Bio   |   Website


Contact us for availability and price of the artworks on (+34) 91 429 17 34 or e-mail juan@camaraoscura.net