
Jon Gorospe | “This and All the Cities” | Festival Off PhotoEspaña | 30 May – 20 July 2024

“This and All the Cities” marks the first solo exhibition of the Spanish artist Jon Gorospe (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1986) in Madrid. His work focuses on the representation of the anthropised landscape, currently developing several bodies of work. As one of the authors of the new wave of European photography, Jon Gorospe has been recognised by several public and private institutions such as the Guggenheim Museum (USA and Spain), Sasakawa Foundation (Scandinavia and Japan), Futures Photography (European Culture Programme) and the Ankaria Foundation (Spain).

The exhibition presents selected works from various projects the author has been working on since 2018, focusing on the exploration of architecture, urban space and the aesthetics of contemporary metropolises. The images in this collection function as fragments of a single city, offering glimpses of a contemporary metropolis in the form of refined, minimal representations that explore the limits of figuration.

The initial shots are captures of economic and bureaucratic nuclei of different cities, where parts of buildings and advertising elements make up the first series of the exhibition. The central point of the exhibition is a triptych portraying a nocturnal urban landscape, where the city is glimpsed through the lights emitted by offices, dwellings and public street lamps.

The third and final series, entitled “The Stylite”, focuses on pillars and columns that support financial buildings, stripping them of their practical function to focus on their morphology. This approach transforms architecture into sculpture. The title of the series comes from the 5th century Christian hermits, known for spending their lives on top of pillars in the middle of the desert as an act of devotion and penitence, distancing themselves from the earthly world and approaching the heavenly realm.

Text by Jon Gorospe. Curated by Juan Curto.

In order to receive the press kit (press release and images) please contact us on (+34) 91 429 17 34 or e-mail info@camaraoscura.net

Contact us for availability and price of the artworks on (+34) 91 429 17 34 or e-mail juan@camaraoscura.net